Thoracic Surgery
Department introduction
  • The diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer and esophageal cancer strictly follow the standard specifications of the Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO).The postoperative survival time is long and the recurrence rate is advocates and insists on standardized surgical treatment of lung cancer. The department is oriented to the standardized pro-fessional and cutting-edge research and treatment of thoracic tumors, and is committed to standardized and individualized treat-ment of advanced lung cancer, multidisciplinary comprehensive treatment and related translational research.Based on the concept of evidence-based medicine, the department carries out standardized treatment of lung cancer,focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, esopha-geal cancer and mediastinal tumor. In accordance with the latest treatment plan of Peking University Cancer Hospital, the depart-ment routinely carries out thoracoscopic resection of lung cancer,esophageal cancer and mediastinal tumor. In the lung complex tumors, tracheal tumors, thymoma and other mediastinal tumors,chest wall tumors in the surgical and comprehensive treatment of the leading position.Good at complex major operations, including: lung cancer surgery in trachea and bronchus sleeve shape keratoplasty,pulmonary angioplasty, juga various digestive tract tumor resec-tion and revascularization, esophageal radical revascularization,mediastinum tumor resection and vascular transplantation inkeratoplasty, the pericardium pneumonectomy, huge chest wall resection and chest wall reconstruction surgery.Da Vinci robotic surgery is routinely performed.Chapter1:Clinical departments Take the lead to introduce Medtronic electro-magnetic navigation system in Northeast China.Combining electromagnetic navigation, virtual bronchoscopy and 3-D reconstruction of CT images, it greatly improved the accuracy of biopsy,promoted profound changes in the early diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, and opened the era of precision treatment of lung tumors.
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