Guowen medical corporation has been deeply engaged in the medical field for 23 years, with rich experience in hospital management and profound cultural heritage. Changchun hospital is located in the core area in the south of Changchun City. It is located in the Bayi lake, which covers an area of 10,000 mu. It is fully constructed in accordance with the international JCI certification standards and the domestic standards for class III comprehensive hospitals. The total investment is 3.3 billion yuan, the building area is 300,000 square meters, 1500 beds are preset, 36 inpatient wards, 12 medical technology departments, 24 operating rooms, 6 in-terventional catheter rooms, and 10 gastroenterological endoscopy rooms. 

The hospital has the first Swiss Roche laboratory in Northeast China, which can achieve glob-ally recognized high standardized testing and provide more accurate test results; Germany Sie-mens vision 600 PET CT, dual-source CT, high-end Vida 3.0T MRI; The American Da Vinci fourth generation surgical robot , Philips I qon color spectral CT, 256 Platoon pilot CT, American GE PET / MRI, Ge signa silent MRI, American Varian ethos linear accelerator, Swedish Elekta unity Mr linac nuclear magnetic accelerator, Elekta axesse linear force accelerator, Japanese Olym-pus cv290 electronic gastroenteroscope, Philips Angiography machine, Siemens Angiography ma-chine, Philips, GE high-end color Doppler ultrasound. Advanced medical equipment and facili-ties such as German Zeiss operating microscope, German Stoss neuroendoscope, thoracoscopy, Snake 3D laparoscope, Stryker fluorescence laparoscope, 4K laparoscope, etc.

The Changchun hospital of Guowen Medical Group introduces the first-class technology of the affiliated hospitals of famous universities in Beijing and Shanghai, and the standard medical concept of famous hospitals in Japan and Europe, and carries out in-depth domestic and inter-national cooperation. Focus on the development of oncology, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, women and children, Japan Lean physical examination, etc. In the next five years,the hospital plans to develop into a well-known university affiliated hospital in China.

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